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The American Community

As the lead investor in Paris Region for many years, and the 2.3 million American tourists visiting the French capital every year, Paris Region has always been a flagship destination for Americans. American expats will be pleasantly surprised when setting foot in Paris Region and will be able to count on the presence of fellow nationals as well as on an even larger community of English-speaking people. 


American Companies in Paris Region
Americans Living in Paris Region
American Students in Higher Education in Paris Region
2.5 M
American Tourists Visit Paris Region Every Year



English Language Tuition in Schools and Higher Education 

Paris Region is home to a wide range of school options in English for children of all ages.  

American families can opt for the French school system that follows the national French curriculum or for bilingual and bicultural programs, appropriate for bilingual or non-French speaking children.  These French schools with American (or British) International Sections, are open to children from preschool to high school, offering the International Option of the Baccalaureate (OIB) diploma. The recent European School in Paris-La Défense offers an English section that caters to the needs of expatriate families. 

Many bilingual or international schools (privately-funded schools) also provide a variety of programs and diplomas: International Baccalaureate, High School Diploma or A-levels.  

Among them, American School of Paris, EIB Victor Hugo, Jeannine Manuel, Kingsworth International School, Notre-Dame International High School, Hattemer…  



Find the best international schools for your children



To pursue higher education or a doctorate in Paris Region, many US and French institutions offer dual and joint degrees, providing students with a unique bi-cultural educational pathway and a great experience. Each year, many students also choose to spend a semester or more at American universities based in Paris (American University of Paris, Columbia University, University of Chicago Center...). 

In addition, French institutions are increasingly offering degrees taught in English to attract top international students. There are now more than 500 English-speaking programs in Paris Region for bachelor and master's degree, and many institutions that have been awarded the label « Bienvenue en France » ensuring the presence of international student support services. 

Campus France acts as a key resource hub and helps students prepare their period of study in France.   


American Economic, Political and Cultural Organizations 

Many American institutions are present in Paris Region. The economic and political organizations include:  


Cultural and leisure organizations include:  


Networking Activities  

In Paris Region, expatriates can easily join a large and dynamic community of English-speaking people: whether through social network groups - daily life, business-oriented groups, websites, expatriate networks (WICEInterNationsThe Local, Anglo Info…). Finally, with English or bilingual activities for children and the whole family, newcomers will be able to find support, advice, tips and opportunities to meet new people.   

Paris Region has many active English-speaking associations, very often open to all nationalities, mixing discussion groups between parents, cultural outings, leisure activities, Halloween, Thanksgiving, 4th of July,...  
Some of the best ones include: American Women's Group in ParisAssociation of American Wives of Europeans (AAWE)Association of Americans Resident Overseas (AARO)Message Paris, etc.  


Some American Companies Present in Paris Region