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About Us

“Choose Paris Region is a one-stop-shop for international companies and talents in Paris Region. We work hand in hand with all the local players in the region to provide international companies with the services they need to expand and thrive”.

- Alexandra Dublanche, Chairwoman of Choose Paris Region.

Choose Paris Region is Paris Region's international attractiveness agency, which promotes the region's influence on the international stage, and provides a high-quality welcome and services to investors, visitors and talent from all over the world, while ensuring the Region's sustainable and balanced development.

Through its knowledge of the Regional economic ecosystem, the agency attracts and supports investors, and facilitates the setting up of companies thanks to targeted, personalized services and partners. It contributes to the development of strong, innovative and sustainable industrial sectors.

It promotes and develops the destination by working with tourism stakeholders and visitors. It provides the resources, tools, support and network that allow Paris Region tourism professionals to develop and distribute a high-quality, innovative and adapted offering.

It contributes to the excellence of Paris Region's film and audiovisual industry: as Europe's leading region, it supports French and international productions, drawing on its cultural heritage and its concentration of professionals and specialized companies.

Finally, the Agency supports and provides resources for international talent who want to settle and live in Paris Region for its quality of life and find the perfect work-life balance.

Chairwoman: Alexandra Dublanche - CEO: Baptiste Orlandini

Organization chart

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Gender Equality

Choose Paris Region has been awarded an overall score of 89 points out of 100 for the gender equality index in 2025, compared with 87 points out of 100 in 2024. The "pay gap" indicator showed a slight decline. Choose Paris Region is continuing its commitment to reducing this gap, and to developing gender diversity and equal opportunities for all, throughout their professional careers.

The law for the freedom to choose one's professional future, which was adopted on August 1, 2018, requires companies to publish their gender equality index annually. This obligation aims to reduce any wage discrepancies that may exist between the genders.

The index takes into consideration 4 criteria that are calculated over a total of 100 points:

Pay gap (29/40): This indicator shows the difference between men's and women's average pay.

Raise gap (35/35): This indicator compares the percentage of women and men who received a proportional raise during the year.

Number of employees of the under-represented gender among the 10 highest earners (10/10)): This indicator calculates the gender parity among the 10 highest-paid employees.

Percentage of employees who received a raise in the year following their return from maternity leave ( 15/15)


Career Opportunities

Let’s work together to advance further the attractiveness of Paris Region! Find out more below about our current job and internship openings and see how your talent could serve our organization.

Saint-Ouen-sur-Seine (93) - CDI

Requests for Proposal

If you would like to answer Choose Paris Region’s public requests for proposals, please visit the Maximilien portal (Paris Region’s portal for public procurement contracts). Find out more about Choose Paris Region’s public procurement contracts:


Our Offices

Photo RIDF @ Hugues-Marie DUCLOS