Oct. 18 2022
Conference - Paris Region Research & Innovation, An Enabler of the Farm to Fork Strategy
Book your seat at SIAL conferences, to discover Paris Region Food Research, Innovation, and Investment support Ecosystem.
October 18th from 2pm to 5pm
With 12.2 million inhabitants and 23 000 restaurants, Parisian consumers are paying increasingly aware of their food consumption, from its production to its distribution.
The least we can say is that the food industry is a major sector in Paris Region, since it alone employs 10% of the region's total workforce, making it a leading and promising ecosystem for Foodtech and Agritech entrepreneurs.
To promote this field, Paris Region is home to many innovative research facilities aimed at designing revolutionary food solutions that will create a positive change in the food ecosystem.
- 2pm : R&D in Paris Region
- 2.45pm: Growing and Scalling Up.
- 3.30pm : Invest in Paris Region
- 4.30pm: Networking cocktail